Friday, June 19, 2020


If pain could kill,
I would’ve died a million times,
by drowning in my tears,
or bleeding to death from this agonizing sorrow
that cuts deep like a sharp knife.

I can’t go back in time to change the circumstances,
but I have the power to choose how to channel my pain.
I’ll cry until I run out of tears and
I’ll scream until I lose my voice,
but I won’t give up!!!

I won’t let this grief become my death sentence or make me powerless.
I know that I’ll never forget this chapter of my life,
but I also know that time will eventually ease my pain.
When the chaos settles,
this feeling of emptiness will fade away. 

I can let my mind become my worst enemy
or my best ally.
I can let my thoughts destroy me
or give me the strength I need to go on.
The choice is mine!!!

Things will never be the same, but life goes on.
When hurtful memories hunt me,
I choose faith over fear
peace instead of anger
and hope in place of despair.

John Walsh inspired me to write this poem. 
He is the epitome of resilience and an example to all of us. 
I dedicate these lines to anyone who is hurting
and needs strength to go on. 
We are ALL going through difficult times,
some more than others, 
and we need to help each other get through this. 
PLEASE share this poem with the people you love!!!