Like a child, be spontaneous and sincere.
Laugh a little, and don’t take life too seriously.
However, don’t forget to exhibit responsibility and respect.
Like a philanthropist, be kind to others
Laugh a little, and don’t take life too seriously.
However, don’t forget to exhibit responsibility and respect.
Like a philanthropist, be kind to others
and love them as they are.
Don’t try to change the world, adapt to it.
Accept yourself for who you really are,
and transform into who you want to be.
Fight for your dreams like a warrior,
Don’t try to change the world, adapt to it.
Accept yourself for who you really are,
and transform into who you want to be.
Fight for your dreams like a warrior,
focus in the moment and aim for a goal.
Don’t get caught up in the material.
Instead, put your heart into everything you do to give it value,
Don’t get caught up in the material.
Instead, put your heart into everything you do to give it value,
and center on your soul.
Use your human instinct of survival to live well,
nourish your body and treat it like a temple.
Make God a priority and love a necessity.
Only then, you’ll be able to understand and experience
Use your human instinct of survival to live well,
nourish your body and treat it like a temple.
Make God a priority and love a necessity.
Only then, you’ll be able to understand and experience
the true meaning of life.
Each stage has good and bad times
because you can’t create balance
without something on each end.
You can’t find hope if you haven’t encountered despair,
you can’t enjoy happiness
if you never have experienced sadness,
and you can’t survive if you don’t learn to LIVE!!!
By Gaby Fischer
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